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Business Directory

Along with its charming homes on stilts and creative energy, Bear River offers a welcoming and inclusive environment for newcomers, making it an appealing choice for those looking to relocate to a quaint and thriving village.

If you would like your business details added to this page, please contact the Bear River Board of Trade, or send us your details on the Contact Us form.


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Annapolis County Collection

Garbage Collection

752 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal

(902) 532-2331

Basinview Dental


843 Highway 1, Deep Brook

(902) 245-3535

Bear River & Area Community Health Clinic

Medical Services

1112 River Road, Bear River

(902) 467-3611

Bear River Fire Department

Emergency Services

1277 River Road, Bear River

(902) 467-3633

Bear River First Nation Health Centre

Medical Services

168 Reservation Road, Bear River

(902) 467-4197

Bear River Post Office

Postal Service

1259 River Rd, Bear River

Dan Bonnel Trucking

Courier Company, Cargo & Freight

693 Evangeline Trail Deep Brook

(902) 638-8179

Digby Municipal Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection

12548 Hwy 217 Seabrook

(902) 245-4777


Gas station

1243 River Rd, Bear River

L’Sitkuk Gas Bar

Gas station

185 Reservation Road, Bear River

(902) 467-0557

Smiths Cove Fire Department

Emergency Services

43 North Old Post Road, Smiths Cove

(902) 245-5557

Teresa's His & Hers Hairstyling

Established in 1983, with 41 years experience in hair care.

19 Chute Road, Annapolis, NS

(902) 467-3930


Real Estate

Bear River


A Silken Tree

A Silken Tree is an artistically curated boutique featuring art, gifts & vintage/new/used clothes

1913 Clementsvale Rd, Bear River

Bear River Grocery

Convenience Store, NSLC Outlet

1852 Lansdowne Road , Bear River

(902) 467-3543

Bear River Mercantile

Quality homewares and pantry items from studios and factories in Atlantic Canada.

1909 Clementsvale Rd, Bear River

(902) 376-2004

Casa Nova Fine Beverages

Crafted fine beverages created at our winery in Bear River East including wines, ciders and cellos made from locally sourced ingredients. We also produce estate maple syrup, wine jelly, hot sauce, barrel-aged apple cider vinegar and bbq sauce.

2635 Clementsvale Road, Bear River

(902) 467-0363

Grandmas Place Country Store

Fruit & Vegetable Store

1882 Clementsvale Road, Bear River

(902) 467-3428

Pleasant Street Living

Vintage furnishings & home accents. Italian pantry, books, pottery, candles, linen, woodworking

24 Pleasant Street, Bear River

(902) 514-1160

Local Growers & Farmers

Bear River Farms

Local growers

Bear River

Sissiboo Organics

Local growers

Bear River, NS, Canada, Nova Scotia

(902) 247-2144

Volunteer Organizations

Bear River Arts & Action

Events Newsletter. Music, cultural and community events in Bear River, Nova Scotia.

Bear River

Bear River Board of Trade

Our membership of volunteers is drawn from local businesses, community volunteer groups, and individual community members. Our volunteer activities in Bear River include:
communicating with the municipalities of Digby and Annapolis about infrastructure issues such as potable water and sewage treatment
communicating with the Provincial government about road, highway and waterfront maintenance as well as tourism
communicating with all levels of government about economic development in Bear River
stewardship of the Bear River Community Greenhouse and Waterfront gardens on the Annapolis County waterfront
maintaining the website

Bear River

Bear River Bulletin

A community neighbourhood bulletin for L'Sitkuk/Bear River and surrounding communities including Bear River East, Waldec, Clementsvale, Smiths Cove, Deep Brook, Clementsport, Cornwallis, Princedale, Lansdowne, Morganville

Bear River

Bear River Economic Development Society (BREDS)

The main goal of the Society is to keep The Old Trading Post Building (the big building on stilts) in good repair.

1884 Clementsvale Rd, Bear River

(902) 297-7489

Bear River First Nations

We, the people of Bear River First Nation, will work towards healing our minds, bodies, spirits, and environment.

130 Reservation Road, Bear River

(902) 467-3802

Bear River Historical Society

We are the oldest established, officially registered society for the preservation of Bear River's heritage. We maintain a museum in the village, and this website where we can more widely share some of its treasures.

Oakdene Centre, 1913 Clementsvale Road

Bear River Running

A group dedicated to promote running events in Bear River. We meet every Sunday to run, usually starting at Sissiboo Coffee Roaster.

Bear River

Community Greenhouse


Waterfront, Bear River

Digby County Exhibition

Annual farm show with horse and ox pulls, farm produce and crafts exhibitions and light horse show.

854 River View Road, Bear River

Hillsborough Water Society

Nonprofit organization · Water Utility Company

Bear River, NS, Canada

Oakdene Community Centre

Oakdene Community Centre is home to a number of artist studios, specializing in paint, pencil, sculpture, woodworking and photography. Local community events are hosted here.

1913 Clementsvale Road, Bear River

(902) 467-1211

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 22

Royal Canadian Legion

1877 Clementsvale Rd

(902) 467-3705

Smith’s Cove Historical Society

Formed in 1972, the Smith’s Cove Historical Society is responsible for preserving the architecture and heritage of both the Old Temperance Hall Meeting House (1835) and just down the road the old Methodist/United Church (1885).

590 Highway 1, Smith’s Cove


Bear River East (BRE) Baptist Church

Service Times are 10 am on Sunday Mornings. We also have Sunday school during the worship service

2710 Clementsvale Rd, Bear River

(902) 467-0361

Smith's Cove Baptist Church

The Smith’s Cove Baptist Church and the Smith’s Cove Fire Hall are active in the community and are located side by side on North Old Post Road.

29 N Old Post Road, Smiths Cove

The Carol Dibble Greenhouse

The Carol Dibble Community Greenhouse

Up-cycled in 2012 from the decommissioned municipal sewage treatment plant by the late Carol Dibble & the Bear River Board of Trade, the community greenhouse is now a hub for locals with a green thumb. The members maintain the beds outside the building and anything grown within them is there for the community as an initiative to combat food scarcity. The main building has open doors throughout the summer, but only registered members may enter.

Notice: Picking from outside is encouraged.


Please do not go inside.

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